February 2, 2007

Pleasantly Surprised

OkCupid.com has a lot of personality tests created by users and these are often linked to in blogs. Since my account is set to save my password and automatically log me in, every time I click someone's link to take a quiz (like "Which Ghostbuster Are You?" or "The 1776 Trivia Test") I get logged in.

This morning, when I clicked on such a test, I was happy to see that I had no new mail in my OkCupid Inbox. Last week I set my profile to "Seeing Someone" which isn't true but I need a break from bad internet dates. I expected, for some reason, that this would not stop people from e-mailing me on the site or even asking me out. So I am pleasantly surprised to announce that even on a free, slightly-sleazy net dating site like OkCupid, unavailability doesn't inspire men to send "if you break up" or "if you're not serious" date requests.

Part of me is a bit shocked at the level of etiquette and lack of creeps who would try to make a move despite my "taken" status. Which speaks volumes about my level of cynacism regarding these sites in the first place, I suppose.

1 comment:

Milwaukee Girl said...

I needed a break too, time for martinis and just the girls for awhile! But I've found you wear a fake diamond on your finger at the bar and the creeps just come right up ...