March 5, 2007

Ill Repute

No dating news because - get this! - I'm sick. Chicken Soup and Kleenex sick. NyQuil and Couch Naps sick.

I felt it coming on all weekend, especially after some girlfriends (Blaine and Cherry) and I drank a pitcher too many at a local pub to celebrate...errr... well, I'm sure it was something. Maybe the fact that the tree of us hadn't been out together in a while. (Blaine, Cherry, and I always manage to get into trouble whenever we all go out together. Once we made out with a table of Canadian tourists. Another time we crashed a corporate bank party. It's always fun trouble but it hurts the next day.) This time, Cherry lost her cellphone. I went home after buying a six pack from the corner market-- the one where I could crawl in and still have them sell me booze. Then I broke a bottle all over my kitchen, which is a sign I was too drunk to drink it. I cut my toe.

I was a little hungover from the Friday night debauchery, but then Saturday night was a friend's birthday. We went to a swanky restaurant, drank swanky over-priced martinis, and then moved the party to a bar where we continued to drink for hours, which I'm sure didn't help matters. But it was her birthday, what're you gonna do? I couldn't exactly ask her to reschedule.

No guys on the horizon, although I saw DJ at school today. Sadly it was in passing. I asked how he was, he said good. "How are you doing?" he asked. "Pretty good," I said, and then as I left I was kicking myself for not saying 'Pretty Well' which would have been gramatically correct. Ugh. Feel like a total moron now, but I'm sick and the brain is foggy.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the cold bug is really getting around these last two weeks. Drink your chicken soup and stay inside where it's warm! No more stomping on broken glass either, hope you put some neosporin on it.

Red Photography said...

It was confirmed today that I gave my crush my cold on Saturday/Sunday. It seems that everyone is sick. All the more reason to drink whisky and makeout, I say.

londongirl said...

Eugh. Poor you. Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're not dead......