March 15, 2007

These Days

I have not posted in a while because I have nothing to post. No dates, no crushes, no funny e-mails from idiots.

I think this dating blog might just fizzle out before I ever truly get it started. Last week I met one of my heroes and got some great advice about getting my dream job, which sent me into a career-motivated spiral.

At the start of the year, I thought I was ready to really get down to dating business and get a boyfriend if it meant a year of bad dates and I figured this blog would be a good catharsis. But suddenly, I couldn't care less if I had a man in my life. I'm so excited about school and the future and my possible internship in New York that having a boyfriend has fallen to the bottom of the priority list.

Of course, I've heard that when you stop looking for those sorts of things is when they have the nasty habit of showing up. To that end, if anything does happen, I'll gladly share.

This isn't a "hey, I'm going on hiatus" note. It's just a "hey, sorry, I haven't had much to say and don't know when I will" type deal.

My favorite song this week is These Days by Mates of State (I think it might be a cover?). Lyrics: "I had a lover / I don't think I'll risk another these days." Good stuff.

On a good note, I haven't been this happy for a long time. It's been a great month and I finally feel like I'm headed in the right direction.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad to hear you didn't die of sickness. You don't have to post about your love life, you can post about your job too. What did you want to do in New York?

Milwaukee Girl said...

I'm in the same rut, funny how career can replace dicks isn't it? Much more funny about the number of dicks you run into in your career though. Ah well!

You gotta check out Lily Allen my dear - I think you'd love her!

Anonymous said...

Sol liand youllattee house slikfe going in the Seattle area. That's a great dcity, you should stay there insted of mioving to New YOurk. Seattle has better weather, the peolple are nicer, and the fish market is doepe. Salmon choweder is grand. anyhoo, i hoepe everyigthing iworks out for you, are you are a good persnon and you write a net blog.
